The libraries at Atlantic Cape endeavor to collect and preserve material that is published by the college. The development of this collection is a work in progress, but here are some of our more popular resources.
Atlantic Cape's literary and art magazine publishes original works of literature and fine art by members of the college community. The libraries have issues from 1970 forward, with gaps. Visit our digital archive to explore Rewrites online.
Can you help us fill the gaps? If you have, or know about issues that are not held by the library, please let us know. We would love to complete our collection, and we can digitize your content without damaging your copies.
There is a complete collection of yearbooks available at each Atlantic Cape library from 1968 (first graduating class) to 1980 (last printed yearbook).
The student newspaper, the Atlantic Cape Review, is available at the Mays Landing campus from 1990 forward, with gaps.
College catalogs are available at the Mays Landing Campus from 1967-2020. The Continuing Education bulletin is available for selected terms, as are course schedules.