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Holocaust and Genocide Resources: Books - eBooks - Media

Encyclopedias / Reference Books

Login required for off campus access  Off Campus access username and password can be found in Blackboard on the Institution Page. Students: look for Student Tools to Stay Connected at Atlantic Cape. Faculty: look for Key information about Libraries and Tutoring. Or you can contact the library for username and password.


cover art

The Journey Back

DS135.N6 R44 1993 (CM)

cover art

Anne Frank, Beyond the Diary

DS135.N6 F738 1995 (CM, ML)

cover art

The Holocaust

D 804.3 .M395 2008 (CM, ML)

cover art

Children During the Holocaust

D 804.48 .H43 2011 (ML)

cover art

We Remember the Holocaust

D 804.3 .A35 1989 (CM)

cover art

Blood and Soil

HV 6322.7 .K54 2007 (CM, ML)

cover art

Worse Than War

HV 6322.7 .G65 2009 (CM, ML, WO)


cover art

The Holocaust

This four-volume set provides reference entries, primary documents, and personal accounts from individuals who lived through the Holocaust

Login required for off campus accessDatabases and eBooks can be accessed from Off Campus through the Off Campus Proxy Server ◄

Find the user name and password in Blackboard on the Institution page.

  • Students: Look under Student Tools to Stay Connected at Atlantic Cape.
  • Faculty: Look under Key information about Libraries and Tutoring.

 or you can email for username and password.

♦ Off-campus access is limited to current students, faculty and staff of Atlantic Cape Community College ♦


Login required for off campus access  Off Campus access username and password can be found in Blackboard on the Institution Page. Students: look for Student Tools to Stay Connected at Atlantic Cape. Faculty: look for Key information about Libraries and Tutoring. Or you can contact the library for username and password.