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New Books: Non-Profit Resources

Campus Location

The call number is the book's location on the library shelves.

The library campus follows the call number.

Mullock Family Library Cape May County Campus:(CM)

William J.Spangler Library Mays Landing Campus: (ML)

Library/Information Commons Worthington Atlantic City Campus: (WO)

Off Campus database access

Login required for off campus accessDatabases and eBooks can be accessed from Off Campus through the Off Campus Proxy Server ◄

Find the user name and password in Blackboard on the Institution page.

  • Students: Look under Student Tools to Stay Connected at Atlantic Cape.
  • Faculty: Look under Key information about Libraries and Tutoring.

 or you can email for username and password.

♦ Off-campus access is limited to current students, faculty and staff of Atlantic Cape Community College ♦