If your topic is too broad, try to focus on a specific aspect.
Here's a good example: CHILD LABOR during the Industrial Revolution.
Break it down by asking the following:
WHO was involved? Children, boys, girls, employers
WHAT were the issues? Working long hours in factories or farms, unsafe conditions, no access to education
WHERE did it take place? Europe, region, England, urban, rural
WHEN did it take place? Industrial Revolution, late 1700's - 1800's, Victorian era
WHY did it happen? Increased demand for goods and cheap labor, family income, living expenses
HOW was the issue addressed? Activists rallied public support to force government officials and employers to address the problem of child labor and exploitation.
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Four Steps to Narrow Your Research Topic, by the University of Guelph Library, This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.