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Going Green: Resources for Research on the Environment and Society: Citing Sources

Information resources on green initiatives and the interaction between humans and the environment.

Don't Forget to Cite Your Sources!

Plagiarism is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary (3rd ed) as "The action or practice of taking someone else's work, idea, etc., and passing it off as one's own; literary theft" ("Plagiarism").  If you do not cite your sources both within your essay and in a Works Cited or bibliography page, you are plagiarizing, or stealing, someone else's work.

Any student found in the act of cheating or plagiarism may be subject to disciplinary action (Atlantic Cape Policy No. 209).

For additional information and guidance see the Guide on Academic Writing : Plagiarism and Citing Sources

Citation Manuals

MLA Handbook, 9th edition

MLA Handbook, 9th edition

The rule book for MLA-style citations. MLA style is used by scholars in the arts and humanities.

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed.

The rule book for APA-style citations. APA is widely used in the social sciences and by students in most science classes at Atlantic Cape.

The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition

The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition

The author-date version of Chicago style is used by some history classes.

A Writer's Reference 9th edition

A Writer's Reference 9th edition

A little dated, but good explanations.

Atlantic Cape Citation Tutorials

Atlantic Cape Style Guides

Check out these Citation Guides to see examples of citations in MLA, APA, and Chicago formats.

How to Cite industry reports from IBISWorld database

MLA style: 
“Report Number: Report Name”. IBISWorld. Month of report. Year of report 

E.g., 31134: Candy Production in the US. May. 2022. 

APA style: 
(Year, Month). Report Name. Report Number. Retrieved from IBISWorld database. 

E.g., (2022, May). Candy Production in the US. 31134. Retrieved from IBISWorld database. 

More MLA Help

How to Format Your Paper in MLA Style

Setting up MLA format in Google Docs

Sample MLA Style Paper

Online Citation Builders

Check out the following online citation builders.  The features of each are listed below to help you decide which one to use.

More Help Formatting Citations

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Online Citation Help

More APA Help

Introduction to Citation Styles: APA 7th ed

Formatting a student version of an APA-Style Paper in MS Word (APA 7th edition)

Formatting a student version of an APA-Style Paper in Google Docs (APA 7th edition)

Sample APA Style Paper

Student Papers: Examples and Instructions from APA