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Art - Fine Arts Studies: Home

Resources for the study of visual arts


The Associate in Fine Arts degree provides students who may not be interested in transferring to a baccalaureate program, with a solid foundation in the visual arts. Strong emphasis is given to the development of artistic skills and production of various types of two and three-dimensional, digital and traditional fine art, while building a strong foundation in art history, reading and writing. 

View our research guide for Studio Arts. The Studio Arts degree emphasizes the exploration of the various modes of fine and digital art, with special attention placed upon the development of a portfolio. This program prepares the student for transfer to a four-year institution or art school which can lead to a baccalaureate in fine arts or art education. .

Just taking an art course, or doing a paper about an art topic? 

Whatever your interest in art. you can use the pages of this guide to help locate the resources you can use for your course assignments and research in  the visual arts, art history and studio techniques

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Craft and Fine Arts Occupations

Check the Occupational Outlook Handbook for careers in craft and fine arts

Subject Guide