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Off Campus access username and password can be found in Blackboard on the
Institution Page. Students: look for Student Tools to Stay Connected at Atlantic Cape. Faculty: look for Key information about Libraries and Tutoring. Or you can contact the library for username and password.
Guest Charles Sevilla, Attorney-at-Law, discusses mental health and the criminal justice system; specifically the 1984 Insanity Defense Reform Act, 18 U.S.C. 17, the prison system's involvement, legal tests for criminal responsibility (M'Naughten rule 8 Eng. Rep. 718 (1843), and the difference between people who are insane, and those who are simply criminals. California law regarding diminished capacity is also discussed. From Academic Video Online
The camera goes inside the Supreme Court to look at the participants in a trial including the judge, jury, prosecutor, defence counsel and the accused. Also discussed are the common law and its origins, the rules of evidence and sentencing. From Academic Video Online
Off Campus access username and password can be found in Blackboard on the
Institution Page. Students: look for Student Tools to Stay Connected at Atlantic Cape. Faculty: look for Key information about Libraries and Tutoring. Or you can contact the library for username and password.