Books in the library are arranged using the Library of Congress classification system, with letters representing the general subject area. Use the following links to see the details of the subject classification assigned to books in the visual arts.
Remember that many of our ART books are located with the"Oversize" collection since many art books are to large to fit on the regular book shelves.
N 5300 .J3 1997 (ML Oversize)
ND1488 .H35 2019 (ML)
ND2420 .P692 2021 (ML)
NE850 .M38 2018 (ML)
► Databases and eBooks can be accessed from Off Campus through the Off Campus Proxy Server ◄
Find the user name and password in Blackboard on the Institution page.
or you can email for username and password.
♦ Off-campus access is limited to current students, faculty and staff of Atlantic Cape Community College ♦
Films On Demand is a video streaming service with documentaries, educational videos and news footage. Material cover many academic subjects including Education, Psychology, Heath, Music, Drama and Theater, Philosophy, World Languages and Cultures, Religion and STEM subjects.
Create a personal Your Account profile to save playlists and other information.
Films On Demand Archives and Newsreel Collection contains historical newsreel footage and archival films from the early 1900s to the present covering the arts, business, politics and social issues.
Create a personal 'Your Account' profile to save playlists and other information.