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Professional Development and Curriculum Enrichment: Sciences

From the IRC, help with professional development and pedagogy.

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Mailing Lists and Online Communities

E-mail discussion lists have formed the backbone of professional communities for many years; other forms of online professional communites are emerging as important sources of conversation and networking. Follow the links below for information about joining a list or community.

General Science

National Science Teachers Association


Chemistry Education Research

Environmental Science

Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences


PNEG | Professional Nurse Educators Group


American Association of Physics Teachers


Professional and Scholarly Associations

Professional and scholarly associations support research and teaching in their disciplinary areas. Activities may include national and regional conferences and professional development workshops, publications (books, journals, newsletters), webinars, blogs, discussion fora, and in-person or online meetings.

General Science

National Science Teachers Association


National Association of Biology Teachers

Association of College and University Biology Educators


American Chemistry Association

Computer Science

Association for Computing Machinery: Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education

Earth and Space Science

National Association of Geoscience Teachers


American Society for Engineering Education

Environmental Science

Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences


American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges


American Association of Colleges of Nursing


American Association of Physics Teachers


Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are a growing resource for professional conversations and networking. These groups appear to be active on a regular basis.


Nursing Education Forum



This guide was developed by Leslie Murtha on behalf of the Instructional Resources Commitee, and is hosted by the library.  All faculty and staff are invited to contribute appropriate resources to be added to the guide.