A hot topic taking the spotlight in libraries all across the world is the topic of banned books. Take a moment to explore what it means to be a banned book, the history of banned and challenged books, and explore some of the titles being removed from the shelves in libraries and schools all across the world.
The process of banning books starts with the desire to censor the minds of readers from topics, beliefs, and opinions that are viewed as objectionable or dangerous. Therefore, the censor is attempting to remove a resource they deem to be inappropriate before others have a chance to read it. The act of censorship prevents readers from making their own decisions and establishing their own beliefs and opinions.
When a resource is challenged, someone(s) is attempting to remove or restrict that resource from view. This is not someone simply stating an opinion.
When a book is banned, it has been removed from the space. For example, if a book is banned from a school library, it is no longer in circulation and cannot be viewed by students.
Location: Mays Landing, Atlantic City, and Cape May Campuses
Call Number: PS3562.E33 L43 1982 C.1
Why: Violence, racial slurs, and racist perspectives
Award: Pulitzer Prize Winner
Location: Mays Landing Campus
Call Number: PS3551.L3578 A27 2007
Why: profanity and racial slurs, sexual references, and topics of alcohol, poverty, bullying, and violence
Award: 2007 National Book Award for Young People’s Literature
Location: Mays Landing Campus and Atlantic City Campus
Call Number: PS3573 .A425 C6 2003
Why: explicit sexuality, profanity, violence, and portrayal of drug use
Award: Pulitzer Prize Winner
Location: Mays Landing, Atlantic City, and Cape May Campuses
Call Number: PS3563.O8749 B436 1998
Why: religious viewpoints, violence, and sexuality
Award: Pulitzer Prize Winner
Location: Atlantic City Campus
Call Number: PS3555 .L625 I5 1995
Why: Profanity, violence, and sexuality
Award: National Book Award
Location: Mays Landing Campus and Atlantic City Campus
Call Number: PS3608.O525 K58 2004
Why: sexually explicit content, offensive language, age inappropriateness, and believed to promote terrorism
Award: Boeke Prize in 2004
American Library Association. (2021). Banned & Challenged Classics. Advocacy, Legislation & Issues. Retrieved from https://www.ala.org/advocacy/bbooks/frequentlychallengedbooks/classics