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Math For All Students: Culinary

Culinary Math

Though some people choose some fields to avoid STEM classes, almost every field has some mathematics in it.

  • Culinary arts, though they are “arts,” are no exception.
    • Culinary math is a broad descriptor for the fractions, multiplication, addition, subtraction, and conversions needed to be fluent and fast in a kitchen.

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Login required for off campus access  Off Campus access username and password can be found in Blackboard on the Institution Page. Students: look for Student Tools to Stay Connected at Atlantic Cape. Faculty: look for Key information about Libraries and Tutoring. Or you can contact the library for username and password.


Login required for off campus access  Off Campus access username and password can be found in Blackboard on the Institution Page. Students: look for Student Tools to Stay Connected at Atlantic Cape. Faculty: look for Key information about Libraries and Tutoring. Or you can contact the library for username and password.