You can search the Federal Government ERIC Database directly or use the library subscription service EbscoHost ERIC to search the database with enhanced search options.
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Send the following information in the body of your email
SUB TESL-L (your e-mail address) (your first & last name)
Send the e-mail to LISTSERV@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU.
Once you've subscribed to this main TESL-L listserve you can also subscribe to the related lists
by sending the SUB message (with your first and last name only, you don't need to repeat
your e-mail address) to the listserv name of your choice:
Related lists:
TESLCA-L (CALL and computer applications)
TESLJB-L(Jobs and Employment)
TESLFF-L (Fluency First/Whole Language)
TESLMW-L (Materials Writers)
TESLIE-L (Intensive English Programs)
TESP-L (English for Specific Purposes)
This guide was developed by Leslie Murtha (2014) and revised by Robert Mast (2019), Atlantic Cape Community College Libraries.
Published 2014. Last updated August 2021.